Health Assessment for Pricing – In many situations you will want to know whether life insurance can be obtained for your client on a cost effective basis. Your client may have a health issue or history that you think could either cause a rating or even block your client from obtaining coverage. We collect the medical records and obtain the pricing information you need to make an informed decision. Clients do not need to undergo medical exams for this service. All they need to do is sign an authorization and furnish our firm with limited medical history information including the names of any doctors they are seeing and any medications they are taking. Quite often, the results can be pleasantly surprising. This is due to our ability to work with carriers who we think will be willing to work with your client.
Life Expectancy Reports – Whether you are deciding on a planning strategy for your client or simply trying to determine how much premium to pay into a life insurance policy, a life expectancy report can be a very valuable piece of information. Our reports don’t just give you a specific number; rather, we give you a chart with the probabilities for all years graphed out for your use. For simple reports involving people with no medical issues, our participating advisors can receive the information free of charge. For situations where there is medical history that needs to be evaluated, some charges will apply.